17. Februar 2013

Blick über den Tellerrand #21

Von Alexander Rubenbauer, Nürnberg

I learned that by telling ourselves day in and day out that we know what the future holds, that it must hold this thing or that person just because we always thought that it would, we lock ourselves into self-limiting and self-destructive patterns.

(Raam Dev: Envision an Unwritten Future)

There are so many out there who don’t know what the lifestyle is about. To them, “minimalism” is an art movement, not the embracing of a simple lifestyle. (…) Did minimalism ever mean to only have a certain number of possessions, to quit your job, or to make a living just writing a blog? No and if that is the meaning behind minimalism then the idea will never catch on.

(Eric Davis: Minimalism Doesn’t Mean Selling eBooks)

If you do something small repeatedly, the benefits accrue greatly over time. It’s obvious, but not everyone puts it into practice.

(Leo Babauta: The Power of Habit Investments)

People will call themselves “minimalists” even though the term does not mean what they think it means. Perhaps that confusion will be cleared up in the future. Or maybe we just need a new word for people who choose to live simply.

(Charles Broadway: The Difference Between Simplicity and Minimalism)

When I got a new toy or was taken to the cinema, it seemed all the more exciting, not because I was deprived, but because I perceived it as a special and rare gift. As an adult I can easily make choices that would have dazzled my younger self: should I so desire, I can buy more candy than I can possible eat, go to the cinema every day and order piles of brand new books. Not that I appreciate these things now of course.

(Jeremy Dean: How to Recapture the Simple Pleasures of Childhood)

In der Tat schadet es nicht, den Seelenheilkundlern mitunter auf die Finger zu schauen. Eindrücklich hatte das der US-amerikanische Psychologe David Rosenhan im Selbstversuch vorgemacht. Der Gelehrte wusch sich einige Tage nicht und begab sich in verschmutzter Kleidung in eine psychiatrische Anstalt in Pennsylvania. Gegenüber den Nervenärzten beschwerte sich Rosenhan über sonderbare Stimmen in seinem Kopf, die ihm “leer”, “dumpf” und “hohl” zugerufen hätten. Obwohl die vorgespielten Symptome keiner Lehrbuchdiagnose entsprachen, nahmen ihn die Psychiater sofort stationär auf. Zwischen 1968 und 1972 wiederholten sieben gesunde Menschen Rosenhans Experiment – auch sie landeten auf psychiatrischen Stationen. Einmal aufgenommen, verhielten sich die Scheinpatienten normal. Dennoch hielten die Ärzte sie bis zu 52 Tage lang fest und verschrieben ihnen fast 2100 Tabletten.

(Jörg Blech: Wahnsinn wird normal – Auch als PDF verfügbar.)



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